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Verizon Manual Testing Interview Questions
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suppose the product/appication has to deliver to client at 5.00PM,At that time you or your team member caught a high severity defect at 3PM.(Remember defect is high severity) But the the client is cannot wait for long time.You should deliver the product at 5.00Pm exactly.then what is the procedure you follow?

6 11201

Explain your web application archtechture?

1 5899

What are the different servers and difference between them?


what are the general problems in web testing?

2 6833

What is difference between the Web application testing and Client Server testing?

1 7452

what is meant by application server and its functions?

1 6469

explain current project?

7 42009

what is your current team size?

2 5581

What is meant by datadriven test?

4 8678

why you choosed testing as a carrer?

7 10918

What is difference between SDLC and STLC?

16 96281

what are the contents of SRS documents?

14 46425

what is basis for testcase review?

5 12170

give me some example for high severity and low priority defect?

18 107807

what is meant by Priority nad severity?

13 14616

Post New Verizon Manual Testing Interview Questions

Verizon Manual Testing Interview Questions

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How do I stop postgresql server?


What do you understand by 'access specifiers' in C#?


How do we catch exception and process it using jstl?


Pls mail me utility & Dg related question with answer


Can I install ubuntu in windows 10?


what is linux operating system virus free?


What is a managed code? : Dot net architecture


How do you insert a section break in word 2013?


How the output of a sql query be stored in a variable using peoplecode?


Int map to which .net types?


How do you rename a table in sql server?


why do you want to work with zensar technologies?


What is the latest version of mysql?


What is the normal procedure followed by a java client to access the db?


Tell us how will you know which machine learning algorithm to choose for your classification problem?