suppose if you press a link in yahooshopping site in leads
to some other company website?how to test if any problem
in linking from one site to another site?
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Answer / pooja
HI Sujatha
ur answer is correct but i think u answered for how to test
a link. u dint answer for the exact question. please try to
answer that also.
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Answer / neo
based on the requirement,
-> click the shopping link, verify whether a new window
-> verify whether its shopping link
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Answer / sujathamca
1)first i will check whether the mouse cusor is turning
into hand icon or not?
2)i will check the link is highlingting when i place the
curosr on the link or not?
3)the site is opening or not?
4)if the site is opening then i will check is it opening in
another window or the same window that the link itself
exitst(to check userfriendly ness of the link)
5)how fast that website is opening?
6)is the correct site is opening according to the link?
7)all the items in the site are opeing or not?
8)all other sublinks are opening or not?
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