Anybody can tell me, how do we find second largest emp salary from emp table.. Thanks in advance ...
10 13798please tell me about fish model which is used in sdlc model ,and also tell me about the founder of fish model and diagram of fish model and other things in details
10 23591Hi I urgently need a substantial answer for one Q on Vusers - Performance Center. Hope you could help me. Q : My application is intended to undergo soon the load testing with performance center. The Vusers we planned are 100. But the dev team says that we should use 100 different UserID/Password's & each Virtual user should login into a different account while testing. Firstly, is this required ? my application can handle multiple logins for the same userid/password, hence is it mandatory to use 100 different account when we can do the same test with one account. If so, for 1000 Vusers we cannot use 1000 logins right ? I need substantial info to prove my point. Secondly, is this possible to assign a different userid/pwd to each Virtual user ? Thanks in advance & awating your reply Harsha
11 14763What error I will get if my select query gives multiple row while executing a Cobol-DB2 program.How can I solve it without using a cursor.
4 10574Suppose the outcome of executing a query results in a row having null. Based on the answer how you use it? Its declaration and inclusion?
2 5733What is COUNTERS in PL/1? How to assign the COUNTER variables? WHich Data Type it can be used for this?
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