Give difference between Intranet application, client server application, and web based application
1 5936what is the most critical bug u have to find in ur project.My application is ERP based,in this purchase module is there.plz tell me the answer?
2362Post New Value Labs Interview Questions
What is noise in modulation?
Where is cmd located?
Explain the different types of constraints?
Explain one strength and weakness of yours?
What are internal variables?
What is a condition in programming?
Explain about inheritance hierarchies?
which power station plants r more efficient? which is less? which is most expensive and which is cheapest?
Why is pl sql needed?
Define standard cost
why does the array will be start on size 0?
Do you possess any knowledge about accounting standards?
What is the purpose of business objects and also explain the way to check the object attached with the application or not.
How do you achieve schema object version control?
Explain the difference between nil and false in ruby?