How does net primary production(npp) relate to the energy pyramids?
What is run command windows 7?
What is the relationship between the life cycle of an asynctask and an activity? What problems can this result in?
What are css variables?
What is a theme ?
Name the unit that controls the sequential execution of instructions?
List out some of the automated mobile testing tools?
Why does python print out none?
What are the different models used for deployment in cloud computing?
What is the best color for a presentation background?
What is a block in HDFS, why block size 64MB?
A commercial Building is designed with 14th floor levels with indoor substation of three phase transformer with rated capacity of 1000 Kva.The transformer delivered 65% of its rated capacity at 0.67 power factor lagging.Because of low power factor, the power customer was penalized and certain cost was charged accordingly based on every point percentage lower than 85%.This situation may repeatedly happen on the succeding energy bills of power customer.The power customer is desired to improve its historical power factor of 0.67 lagging and no further penalty be impose by the local power company on the next bill. Q: Identify the appropriate solution you want to offer to Client?.Justify SCIENTIFICALLY and MATHEMATICALLY the principles behind the solution.
Mention in brief, what is the role of scrum master in scrum?
How do you open a command prompt when issuing a command?
Difference between Shared Service Provider and Shared Service Application?