Mention what is the maximum size of the message does kafka server can receive?
How to remove leading and trailing spaces from user input values in php?
What are the advantages of using ms word?
what are the types in error loging?
How are free energy, equilibrium and spontaneity related to each other?
What is alv programming in abap? When is this grid used in abap? : abap hr
What is the meaning of 40X8X2 busbar dimensions for carring load of 400 Amps
What are generics? How to make a method or variable generics in swift?
Tell me what is working capital?
i m going to give an interview for iocl on 5th aug . pls tell me what questions can be answered from metallurgical prospect
What is converter in backbone.js ?
What is the anchor text?
can anyone tell me abt WAD navigation?
Is aws offers paas ?
How do I get rid of rundll32 exe virus?