Which command is used to copy files?
Tell me why did peoplesoft bundle ibm websphere advanced single server edition rather than advanced edition?
How do I create an absolute path in windows?
What is latest version of power center / power mart?
After creating a customer/vendor, how can we check that under which account group we have configured this customer/vendor?
What is display container?
Is the cost of the project online service on top of an office 365 e(n) plan?)
Which phone os is most used?
What are the main blockchain features?
what is heap memory?
How would you write a simple stored procedure in tsql which takes a movie_id and returns all the directors associated with it?
Which type of website is good for seo purpose?
What are examples of mechanisms?
What Is Lead Body Copy?
They started with the brief introduction followed by few basic C++ questions on polumorphism, inheritance and then virtual functions. What is polymorphims? How you will access polymorphic functions in C? How virtual function mechanism works?