who among the foLLowing personaLities is appointed has the Head of the Panel COmmitties for OBC Resevation at CentraL Educational Institutions?
1613Where I get previous year question papers of Tamil Nadu Uniformed services recruitment board-Grade II Police Constables written test?
5 18380How will be the questions in General knowledge in TNPSC Group-2. Whether printed in both English and tamil or only in the language which we have opted in the OMR application form? Since i have opted GENERAL TAMIL, am afraid that all the questions apart from general tamil section will also be in TAMIL. I will find it hard to translate those GK questions in Enlish since i did my schooling in English. Kindly answer my query.
1 6167Hi, Would the Application numbers be given in the Hall Ticket? Also, Would the candidate be disqualified for submitting two application forms?? PS: Had to submit another form because the previous one had errors in it.... Please advise.
1798Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Government AllOther Interview Questions
What is $1 in linux?
What is the default ubuntu terminal?
When should a function throw an exception?
Where is this job located?
How to implement http cache using interceptors in angular 4?
What is the name of android class do we need to use to build up an json object?
Hollow block masonry in cement mortar 1:4, 40×20×20cms in superstructure take 10sqm.I want calculation of brick sand
Explain the concept of convention over configuration, and talk about an example of convention over configuration you have seen in the wild.
How do I install microsoft visual c++ 2015?
How long has linux been around?
Is ms access easy to learn?
I am newbie in J2EE & looking for strong basic behind each concept as, Why do we use private access specifier before each variable of type property bcoz ultimately to access it outside the class we use public method as getter & setter ? If we use getter & setter to access it outside the class so better we make variable as public so that it is easily available outside of the class... Please guide me why do we use as private ????
What is dialect in hibernate?
Define sdlc in testing.
Explain the working of variable frequency transformer?