What will be the syllabus of The Descriptive paper of Forthcoming Oriental Bank of Commerce Clerk Exam? I Have the copy of advertisement but there is no information in it that what will be asked in Descriptive Paper?
9 15686i am B.Pharm Graduate preparing for Drug Inspector exam 2009.i would like to get some model question papers,no problem if it going to be from other state also.plz send to my email id krispeele@yahoo.co.in thanks, priya
11 18794Dear all, This is Birlla from chennai. I m preparing for Motor Vehicle Inspector Grade II exam for Tamil Nadu Public service exam. If any one have previous year question papers or question bank please let me know where u got or please send to my mail id spbirlla@gmail.com Thanks in advance Regards, S.P.Birlla
1 4556Post New TNPSC Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Government AllOther Interview Questions
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plz send me the procedure and syllabus for mseb exam
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