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Synergy Interview Questions
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to remove the repeated cahracter from the given caracter array. i.e.., if the input is SSAD output should of SAD

6 8875

How will you convince me to buy this pen? or sell this pen to me.

15 77633

what is RTM

6 16425

hi frinds ,,what is the difference between QA & QC , i need only real time definations ,pls pls

7 10736

hi friends ,, i will give a small advice for all of ,, pls send genune answering don,t send half knowladge answers pls pls pls ....... i faced so many problms in interview pannels so pls pls


hi ,, what is testing methodologies ,and what is test strategy pls tel me ... advance thanks for all

2 4892

hi all, this is ajay , what is adahochtesting ,what is differnce of loadrunner,winrunner

4 6550

what type of test secnerio's well you write for a web testing project?


hi frnds ,, this is yuva what is performnce testing and volume testing & differnces also ,,,,

3 6076

what is the difference between product and application?

6 39107

what is test case ,,,real time i want defination pls ,pls

11 13630

wat is perpose of TRM ?(Test responsibility Matrix)

4 8901

what is the diff b/w black box and white box

9 10972

why need testing ????

9 9522

what is mutation testing? when it is use in the phase?

4 7880

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what is raid and what are different types of raid configurations? : Sql server database administration


last date of tds deposit yearly,tds proforma challan


What is the most important thing to do at this stage of your life - maintaining a good work-life balance or earning more money?


What is fault tree analysis?


What is difference between this and super keyword?


Why is xhtml needed?


Can delegates be retained?


What do you understand by decision tree classification?


What are the major advantages of cucumber framework?


What are the autowiring modes?


How are confidence intervals constructed and how will you interpret them?


Under what circumstances do page faults occur? Describe the actions taken by the operating system when a page fault occurs?


how do u manipulating INI, DLL and / or registry files in support of your test environment? actually what do u mean by INI and DLL or registry files. plzzz its urgent do answer


Can I use windows product key from old laptop?


Explain the essential difference between an electron and a beta ray?