How to write testcases for a general objects like 1.pen 2.paper 3.printer 4.Mobile 5.Bulb machine 7.calculator 8.Mobile 9.telephone...etc
2 437811.write test cases for bangle 2.what is difference between defect and bug life cycle 3.what are the inputs for writing test cases to map requirements to test cases 5.where to attached the test cases 6.what is sdlc 7.what are the difference between sanity and smoke testings 8. user accaptance testing types 9.what is the mail module in qc 10.why are u changing ur job
2 11566Post New Synechron Manual Testing Interview Questions
What is the use of the database class in apex ?
What kind of problems does regularization solve?
what could be the production cost of 1 cum of concrete by CP30 plant
How many types of weblogic installation ?
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What is the distinction between a fast filter and traditional filter in tableau?
Explain the difference between web.config and machine.config and where it will be ?
What is screen analysis?
when you can use Alter keyspace?
What pressure results for a flow transmitter of range 0- 180t/h in the dcs and 0-301mbar in the field using square root extraction. Kindly also suggest formulae for the percentages 0,25,50,75,100?
What is meant by an index?
Explain @viewscoped, @sessionscoped, @customscoped and @requestscoped annotations?
What is a definer in mysql?
Can two different columns be merged into single column? Show practically?
Can we disable first level cache? What should one do if we don't want an object to be cached?