a cowboy rides to town on friday he stays there for three days and lives on friday.how was that possible
2 6996Post New Synechron DotNet Errors Interview Questions
What is Difference Between Unique and Primary Key Constraints?
Is it possible to develop a single web application using ASP.NET webforms and ASP.MVC?
Explain localization?
What are many-to-numerous connections and how might they be tended to in Power BI ?
What is the purpose of mysql database?
Discuss the role of manganese in alloying steels?
What is jsp index?
Create a registration form application by taking the details like username, address, phone number, email with password and confirm password (should be same as password).Ensure that the password is of 8 characters with only numbers and alphabets. Take such details for 3 users and display the details. While taking input password must appear as “****”.
what is sink in dissolution?
What are the different abap/4 editors?
What is the difference between varchar and nvarchar?
Explain Salesforce Order of Execution?
kailan po ba lumalaki at lumiliit ang tubig sa dagat?at saan naman ito kumukuha ng tubig para lalaki ang tubig?
What is the difference between the concepts of community and population?
How thread scheduler schedule the task?