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Synechron C Sharp Interview Questions
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Can an interface inherit an interface

1 4279

Can an interface inherit class/abstract class.

1 29633

An abstract class is inherited, an Interface also inherited(multiple inheritance), How it differences.

6 9150

Can variables defined in interface. If yes how we can call/use it in class.

2 4780

Can property defined in Interface.

4 6743

How encapsulation and abstraction defined/used in C#.NET.

8 19850

Example of value type and refarnce type

4 6392

an object,class is value type or refarance type. ?

4 5760

If a class is a ref type, how we can pass to a function.

1 4108

Can a class inherit structure.

4 9251

Can a structure inherit a class.

3 9839

can a structure used in a class if yes then how.

2 5968

int i,string s, String s1 Which is valuetype which is refrence type.

6 8621

What is service contract

2 4760

destructor, Dispose, Finalize - How they relate to each other

1 5498

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what are sessions in codeigniter? How to read, write or remove session in codeigniter?


For what a triggering circuit is provided in a cro?


What are server objects?


What is an application domain? how they get created?


Define a full binary tree ?


what is journal import?


To implement new application on IBM z/10. Which of the following options need to be considered if it to be implemented in Linux?


Why do the column headers show numbers instead of letters? How do I change my column headings so they are back to letters instead of numbers?


Explain how can I manipulate strings of multibyte characters?


Explain dbdgen process?


What will be the output when a file with 0 records is connected as input to a reformat and an output file? Note that in reformat we have assigned hardcoded values to output columns.


give the overview of tmr?


The work of this harvard college observatory scientist made possible the first accurate determination of extragalactic distances by what is often called henriettas law?


Is wordpress multisite free?


What is the use of info groups? : sap abap hr