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Synechron Interview Questions
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If all the methods in abstract class are declared as abstract then what is difference between abstract class and in interface?

8 13655

Can an interface inherit an interface

1 4284

Can an interface inherit class/abstract class.

1 29641

An abstract class is inherited, an Interface also inherited(multiple inheritance), How it differences.

6 9157

Can variables defined in interface. If yes how we can call/use it in class.

2 4784

Can property defined in Interface.

4 6750

How encapsulation and abstraction defined/used in C#.NET.

8 19866

Example of value type and refarnce type

4 6398

an object,class is value type or refarance type. ?

4 5765

If a class is a ref type, how we can pass to a function.

1 4114

Can a class inherit structure.

4 9254

Can a structure inherit a class.

3 9845

can a structure used in a class if yes then how.

2 5975

int i,string s, String s1 Which is valuetype which is refrence type.

6 8626

What is service contract

2 4765

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What does edb stand for?


is a pvt ltd. comp. can give advance against salary to his director.


How can I list all of the predefined identifiers?


What is chi square test?


What is forwardref?


What is the difference between a list and a tuple?


what is the PC interface and software for connection to ABB logic module “ LM011-CE18RAC “ ( for Programming ) ??


How accrual calculation can be performed in the system? : cost center accounting


what are indicators?


What is a dashboard? What are the different components?


can i take the specialization for MBA HR and system is it good my career? will it work out?


Can you put pictures in a dissertation?


how can get electrical "c" licence.i am complited in DEEE.PASSING YEAR OF 1993.WORKING IN PVT COCERN LT LINE.PLEASE ADVISE ME .CELL NO 9994786021


What is the difference between range and arange in python?


Show how to parse JSON in JQuery?