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Synechron Interview Questions
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If all the methods in abstract class are declared as abstract then what is difference between abstract class and in interface?

8 13643

Can an interface inherit an interface

1 4279

Can an interface inherit class/abstract class.

1 29634

An abstract class is inherited, an Interface also inherited(multiple inheritance), How it differences.

6 9150

Can variables defined in interface. If yes how we can call/use it in class.

2 4780

Can property defined in Interface.

4 6744

How encapsulation and abstraction defined/used in C#.NET.

8 19850

Example of value type and refarnce type

4 6392

an object,class is value type or refarance type. ?

4 5760

If a class is a ref type, how we can pass to a function.

1 4108

Can a class inherit structure.

4 9251

Can a structure inherit a class.

3 9839

can a structure used in a class if yes then how.

2 5970

int i,string s, String s1 Which is valuetype which is refrence type.

6 8622

What is service contract

2 4761

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Un-Answered Questions

What is the default session timeout for an administrative console?


taxes leivied on carpentar & plumbing services


What is the last major networking problem you troubleshot and solved on your own in the last year?


What are the different modules used in spring?


Why is static used?


How do I convert xlsx to docx?


What is the XSLT?


Please define Transaction Type , Movement Type , Asset Transaction Type , Item Type & Document type. Please also give examples of each of them


Explain what is ios?


What is metadata in jdbc?


Define report item?


Write steps for neo4j installation?


What do you mean by disjoint set adt?


what is PID control in VFD drives?


How do u generate random numbers within a given limit with Action script?