Situation: you want to use web application server with peopletools 8.1x and peopletools 8.4. How would you do that?
What is geophysicists?
what is Bootstrap collapsing elements?
What is the difference between active and passive filters?
How to calculate Number of Earthing Pits....???
Why do we use expression language in jsp?
what is IComparable
Explain transition in d3.js?
Where can a user find the local variable values in Pega?
Explain different transformations in DStream in Apache Spark Streaming?
What are your goals in life?
The value of the tax invoice is lesser than the value on the state permit. Is this acceptable.
Is the msmqintegrationbinding used the msmq.formatname scheme or the net.msmq scheme?
Explain in brief about the important file and folder when you create new android application.
Write a query to display even rows in student table using mysql?