what is the rate of purchasing computer goods from Gujarat, with C form, and what is the rate to sale it in Diu (Union Territory).
1 3356What happens if a Schema or Domain naming master goes down, would there be any impact on the end user authentication?
3 19888how to select the rating of neutral ct with reference to transformer secondary current(in power transformer,stepdown tansformer,for example2000kva,11kv/415volt
2 6425Advance paid to Employee 1000$. Employee incurred expenses of 800$ and he returned 200$. How can you perform these steps in AP?
7 16593Since we can create managed bean by two ways as, we can define the bean name in faces-config.xml file so that page can use that OR we can write annotation on bean class so that it is automatically assign to page but I want to know which one is good programming practice ? And also mention disadvantage of other which should not prefer ... Thanking you...
2041Post New ASD Lab Interview Questions
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What is a graduated cylinder?
Why wind turbines wheels rotate constantly
Can you combine two columns in excel?
What is import in react?
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What are the functions of commercial bank in India?
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What is production data structure generated from r/3 system?
What systems can be integrated with blue prism robotically?
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How to make a remote connection in a database?