Advance paid to Employee 1000$. Employee incurred expenses of 800$ and he returned 200$. How can you perform these steps in AP?
7 16593Post New ASD Lab Oracle Apps Financial Interview Questions
Why we use 4-20 mA Analog signal for the PLC input? Why not 0-20 mA? Why not 5-25 mA?
What is SQL metal in LINQ?
formula to convert 2500mmh2o into m3/hr
What are the other modules integrated with organisational management?
In event management,for shipment Business process type if we are not able to get reported dates of pick end date,pick start date,loading start date,end date... and we can only see planned dates as in shipment document,where to check for configuration.please let me know...
Who is founders of Google?
If I have bought goods from a seller in India and finally exported it to some other country, my understanding says I have to issue form H to seller to get cst exemption. My question is wether Bill of lading is must to be given to seller or not bcos if I give bill of lading to the seller from whom i haave bought material confidential information will go to seller as bill of lading will have buyers details...pls guide how to overcome this issue.
How do I start learning java?
What is the use of @qualifier in spring boot? : Spring Boot
What are the difference between server-side ajax framework and client-side ajax framework?
What does runtimebroker exe mean?
Where are the sapscript form names?
the system analysis and design methodology employed by organization reflects on management culture and style
What comes under quality control process?
Hii i have written ICET exam in 2009 and secured 3704 rank i would like to know top 10 OU affiliated colleges offering MBA in hyderabad.I also want to know last year for this range of ranks which colleges were offered so in which site this info is given????please mail me the answer as soon as possible