What happens if a capacitor is connected before inductor in L filter.(Inductore will come in series with load and capacitor will come across inductor and load.)
1788It is being often experienced that due to single phasing fault of any source transmission line of any closed loop synchronized circuit all the power transformers with primary stared trips but the power transformer with primary delta wont, why ?
1 3818We have studied about many techniques for finding the stability of system, ROOT LOCUS, ROUTH, BODE PLOT, POLER PLOT etc. In these which is used where. what are the difference among them... PLZ tell me.......
1807vat amount payable in financial year 2010-2011 Rs. 25000.00 but we paid Rs. 35000.00. This exces payment will be carried in next financial year?
3 6481Post New MSEB Interview Questions
When, how and how would you control changes to standard SAP objects.
What is the use of command Object?What are the various types of variables?
Explain what are wave fronts?
How do you append to a list in python?
Tell us how is a decision tree pruned?
What is the purpose of a constructor? Destructor?
What is difference between pdo and mysqli?
How insert record in the database?
I want to know Electrical Circuit?
What is integration testing in software testing?
A client asks for an AI that can predict stock prices with 100% accuracy. How would you manage their expectations?
What is the benefit of using guard statement in swift?
List the symptoms of dry mouth?
What do you mean by bootstrapping and how you will find the user data and meta data over the instances.
What is the fork() system call?