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APTransco Interview Questions
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Sir, I have applied for the of of NPDCL. please send me all AP TRANSCO AND JENCO solved papers of previous exams . I requested send me the papers to my id as soon as possible ( (This is very urgent) Thank You,


which plant has high load factor

10 9918

what is difference between vcb and mccb

4 6503

what type of protection used below 132KV feeders

11 18000

A 6.6 KV/ 440V Xformer. what are the imporatant parts & equipment required for it's protection panel.


AP Transco Assistant Engineer (Electrical) Model Question papers

2 14792

which power plant has high load factor?

12 20854

A synchronous generator generating power and transfered through long loss less line with receiving end open with field voltage has constant then after some time the circuit breaker gets opened between line and generator terminals then what is effect of terminal voltage and field current


why we are giving D.C. supply to field of an alternator, why can't we give the a.C. supply

12 18178

what to do with nuetral when Generators are running in parrellel

11 14821

What will be the voltage impact on secondary side of two transformers with different vector groups when both voltages are compared.


what is booster? and how it is connected in a circuit?


armature winding of dc machine produce alternating emf then it convert in to dc by using commutator.But only we consider armature resistance why don't we consider inductive reactane effect?


What is the main difference between power transformer and Distribution transformer?

9 10220

what is principle of DC machines?

5 10440

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I was faced these interview questions, please provide answer with your real life experience SAP gurus. 1. As a SAP SD consultant how did you integrate/interact with MM and FI/CO? 2. Tell me about your OTC process expreience? 3. How have you used MASS tool in your last project, and to upgrade what data? 4. Tell me about your EDI/IDOC experience? PLease answer any/all questions as per your wish. Thank you very much in advance, god bless.


How memory is reserved using a declaration statement in data structure?


How will you capitalize the first letter of a string?


What are c++ stream classes?


Suppose you are heterozygous for a mutant beta-thalassemia allele. If the frequency of beta-thalassemia is 1/1600 persons, what is the probabilty that your prospective spouse is heterozygous for a mutant beta-thalassemia allele?


How to use ng-if/else in angular js?


What is seo and how does it work?


Describe immunoglobulin (ig) g.


Why do we convert categorical variables into factor? Which function is used in r to perform the same?


Can anyone tell me the sequence of the activities in a drawing room, kitchen & Toilet including civil work, finishing, electrical & plumbing fittings


Should we choose Netscape of Microsoft plateform ?


Do you know any other continuous integration tools? How is jenkins better than any of those?


What is in-processing bias mitigation, and how does it work?


What are the different CQL data definition commands in Cassandra?


How do I compare two sets of data in excel?