Hi friend I have query regarding QTP datatable. I want to insert data in datatable during runtime. suppose i wrote datatble.value(1) = "Test data" so when i run the script it says column(1) doesn't exist. Then i write something in column A1 manualy and run the script again. Now it works fine. Pls clarify how i can put value in blank cell of datatable.
10 30956Hello, I am working on automating unix application using QTP via terminal emulator.Recording and playback works as i execute my test case. I need to parameterise my data now. Steps to be followed 1. go to the application TeWindow("TeWindow").Window("Connect").WinButton ("Connect").Click 2. Make a transaction to an account I am able to make transaction one at a time (one person when i run the script) and the script is as below and works fine. TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "./4ee.sh" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "a21100002" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "tcccc" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "test" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micF1 TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type "6" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micF1 TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen ("TeTextScreen").Type "xexit" TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Type micReturn TeWindow("TeWindow").TeTextScreen("TeTextScreen").Sync 3. Now i need to Make a transaction to the account for the list of people available from data table. How do i do this? Please let me know if you can Thanks, Chaya
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