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KPMG Interview Questions
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What is your career goal and career plans ?

55 380980

Queries for Big4 Articleship : Article Vacancies application starts when?

3 18683

Queries for Big4 Articleship : Procedure of application and selection? ( Resume, Cut off ? Rank, Contacts needed, Exams, Interviews, General Questions ? Personality traits, Special Knowledge etc.)

4 17573

What is special purpose ledger?

10 52382

An advantage in using a bottom-up versus a top-down approach to software testing is that: A. interface errors are detected earlier. B. confidence in the system is achieved earlier. C. errors in critical modules are detected earlier. D. major functions and processing are tested earlier.

1 22485

The purpose of debugging programs is to: A. generate random data that can be used to test programs before implementing them. B. protect, during the programming phase, valid changes from being overwritten by other changes. C. define the program development and maintenance costs to be include in the feasibility study. D. ensure that program abnormal terminations and program coding flaws are detected and corrected.

2 16967

Five main difference between Tally & ERP?

36 170755

. The first muslim invader in India was (1) Changez Khan (2) Muhammad Ghori (3) Muhammad of Ghazni (4) Muhammad-bin-Qasim

57 69315

. Which one of the following countries has presidential form of Government (1) India (2) Canada (3) U.S.A. (4) Britain

2 6815

i just recieved an i-20 form from a 2 year college do you think i can get a visa with this form

2 6860

What is the Difference between Real Accont and Nominal Account?

16 60287

What is the meaning of Revenue?

23 36803

how do u explain depreciation adjustment, deferred depreciation expense, deferred depreciation reserve

1 18353

what is AUT?

8 38348

what will be happend if invoice match with po?

3 11301

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Explain the logical message in cics?


Differentiate between FileSink and FileRollSink?


armstrong number by using php while number is given by the keyboard.?


Explain me what is erp?


What do you understand by session facade?


What are the different label of management that are found a large organization?


Does Partitioner run in its own JVM or shares with another process?


How is arsenic produced?


How to change the color of a cell or a row in a datagrid on mouse hover using javascript/.net


Explain what helpers in codeigniter are and how you can load a helper file?


Both Static and dynamic arrays are handled by VB script. Is it true?


Is an object null?


How to delete an existing row from a table in oracle?


What is the use getservent(3)?


What is button in html?