what is AUT?
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Answer / sam
It is nothing but Apllication under test.When software is
complate it's development phase , it wl give for User
tesing then it is call as AUT.
If iI m wrong pls correct me
Is This Answer Correct ? | 23 Yes | 2 No |
Answer / kirani
the particular application under test is called as aut
Is This Answer Correct ? | 8 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / swathi
AUT is Application Under Test.This will be done by the set
of people called Configuration analysts.Aut is the place
where the packaging of Modules will be done.This Aut will be
released to the testing team for functional testing.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / sumathi.v
AUT means application under test.After the designing and
coding part in software development life cycle the
application comes for testing then at that time the
application is stated as "application under test".
Is This Answer Correct ? | 7 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / ashwini akash
AUT stand for Aplication under test.After the designing and
coding part in software development life cycle the
application comes for testing then at that time the
application is stated as "application under test".
It is nothing but Apllication under test.When software is
complate it's development phase , it wl give for User
tesing then it is call as AUT.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / wasim
AUT means 'Application Under Test'.
The application on which Testing is going on.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 1 No |
Answer / raja
AUT is Application Under Testing.
In order to test the GUI of the AUT, the tester has to
perform a certain set of steps. These steps are detailed
1. Initialize configurations in GUITAR for the AUT
2. Rip the GUI structure of the AUT
3. Generate the event flow graphs for the AUT from the GUI
4. Generate testcases for the AUT from the event flow graph
5. Instrument the source code of the AUT to enable
coverage report generation
6. Replay the testcases on the AUT to obtain coverage
7. Evaluate coverage of the testcases
Is This Answer Correct ? | 2 Yes | 2 No |
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