1.why we use derived role in sap security?2.what is the technical difference between master and derived role?
1 2563Post New KPMG SAP Security Interview Questions
What is web storage api?
What are sequencers?
What is hibernate query language (hql)?
Where do we use get and post?
Tell me what will happen if we change the polarity of microwave antenna?
What type of chemical compounds do plants produce during photosynthesis?
Explain the difference between mutexes vs semaphores?
What is a template in grails?
What do you understand by horizontal and hierarchical data transfer?
Name any two economical factors affecting the entrepreneurial development
What are the parameter we cannot use in procedure? How many instream we can write in single jcl?
Mention the steps involved in the execution of a program.
While creating the snapshots using the command line tools, which command should I be using?
Wt is the diff between fix value and value mapping?
How to connect to an InterBase database using the BDE API?