What is bitset in scala?
What can you tell about the project if during testing you found 80 bugs in it
How to create a file using vi editor? 2)how to delete a file in vi editor? 3)How to connect the server datastage to unix? what r the command lines we r using? 4)30 jobs r runnig in unix i want to find out my job. how to do this? give me command?
Why facts table is useful in representing the data?
how to capitalise first letter of each word in a given string?
In the OTA, the transconductance is controlled by A The ac supply voltage B A bias current C The input signal voltage D The manufacturing process
What is a prism in wpf?
How to identify the most kinds of species of soil microorganisms - Bacterium,funfi,acetinomyces?
UI Development questions
Draw the wave shape of armature current in a generator subjected to a sudden three phase short- circuit at its terminals. Define various reactance of generator from this wave shape.
Which power will flow first if we switch on a motor Active or Reactive? How?
How would you estimate American Airline's annual revenue?
What are the three objects used at user defined functions?
Tell me about ur college days
Explain the default pages of Process/Object?