How do I stop purchase requisition for stock material replinishments (MRP) from going through a release strategy?
5 9228what is the item category and account assignment category in sap. what is the perfect answer for it.
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1727Post New KPIT SAP MM (Material Management) Interview Questions
What is the difference between Test cases document and test cases design document?
can i get comming traning school model question paper.
When to use descriptive programming?
What is read line in abap?
From health and safety point what are things to be taken care while warehouse transportation?
What is the formula for power gain when input gain & output gain is given?
In what ways can you use a directive?
What is ansible tower?
How much training do you think you'll need to become a productive employee?
If you change the long name of translate field what object is to be altered?
What is @configuration in spring?
Write a syntax and purpose of switch statement.
Write a Script for ATM in QTP
Explain webpart properties, and what are some of the attributes you see when declaring webpart properties in code?
Explain the performance tuning in jdbc?