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KPIT Interview Questions
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Why TCP and IP are written all together as TCP/IP?

8 31847

What is share script?

15 58067

What are concepts of OOPS and how are they implemented in Java?

2 7442

What are the ways to define classes that can be run as threads?

1 5840

What is Entity Bean and Session Bean?

1 5099

What is the major difference SessionBean and EntityBean?

3 7569

Tell me difference between Container managed persistent bean & Bean managed persistent bean?

1 5554

what is meant by servlet to servlet communication?

1 8705

What is the need for modulation?

82 299434

Difference between Include, Forward and sendRedirect in Servlet?

7 70918

Can BW run without a SAP R/3 implementation?

8 21849

what is cut over strategy?

7 53991

what is the difference between ArrayList and Vector

19 45557

What are the two user exits you have used in your project?

2 6777

what is latest version in reports

3 6821

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KPIT Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Why does Oracle not permit the use of PCTUSED with indexes?


What is the signal strength transmitted by cell phones?


What is eloquent?


What is ssl?what are the layers present in ssl?


When are you supposed to use endif to end the conditional statement?


What is outbound in picklist?


What is cell style in excel?


Which two keys are commonly used to modify a drag procedure in excel?


How do I run pl sql in sql developer?


Why the function anova()?


How can we register exception filter from the action?


What is a pdo connection?


What is two plant-based cotton source?


How analysis of Big Data is useful for organizations?


what is Active lock explain