When we synchronize the Generator BKR with TIE BKR then Gen BKR is hold but TIE BKR is Tripped on Non directional over current but when TIE BKR is Syn. with Gen. BKR then no fault occur so what is the problem
1 2984what is the calculation of current when a clampmeter is attached to two phases of any drives.
3 5089You are given 220 V supply source, four wires, an ammeter and voltmeter. There is no any indication or description on meters. How will you identify which is ammeter or voltmeter?
7 9406how much mininmum length required to conduct a DC Hipot Test on 33kV AC Cable with 45kV DC? Is it 20meter or Less then 20?
1744Post New ABB Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
By sitting at home how can you send money?
How do you find the refractive index of a liquid by using total internal reflection?
Explain about garbage collection feature of ruby?
How to set on/off a group of indicators in a single statement?
What is Kotlin?
Can mayonnaise remove water rings?
Can We Start A Managed Server If The Administration Server Is Unavailable ?
When to use get and post request?
what is disadvantages of waterfall model ?? industry used which model ??
What is workflow monitor?
write a program to find out the divisor of a given integer number. Sample input:50 Sample output:2,5,10,25
What is latest Version of Tensorflow ?
Mention the difference between bills payable and bills receivable?
In diesel generator how AVR get voltage to excitation. And basic diagram DG EXCITATION CIRCUIT.
Describe the Operating System concept of Segmentation