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Questions / { chandu }
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Answers / { chandu }

Question { L&T, 18476 }

Where do u assign cost element in company code ?


we cant assign cost element to company code in anywhere.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 4 No

Question { 6473 }

Hi! this is sujatha.
How to involve a fi/co consultant in sap project life cycles?



in every organization, as a consultant he do a part of
cofiguration step frm entire sap can assign
a little bit of work in the entire project. based on their
perfarmence company will assign more responsibilities.

this information as of my knwledge, if der is any wrng, pls
ignore and send right to my id:

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { Cap Gemini, 47006 }

what is controlling area, cost center, cost element,internal
order & profit center?what does it control?what is
relationship between each other?



controling area means, it is individual area which we find
out the actual costs and incomes, based on this information
we can decide whether we hav to control costs and incomes
from the tht area. area means productr services.

cost center indicate of actual cost of the product to
produced r to get. it is part of controling of costs.

internal order means to get the raw meterial from the
godown to the production area, we hav to cofigure steps to
posting data raw meterial like meterial type, cost, etc.

profit center indicate the actual profit of each product r

these are inter related with each other. these are used to
find the actual cost incured and incomes gained. based on
this we can control the cost of producing products.

this information as of my knowledge, if der is any wrong,
pls ignore, then send me right answer to my id:

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 19 No

Question { 4836 }

In fico interview what areas are covered?


in intrvws for experience people, they asking questions
based on u r previouse experience,which wrk u have done in
u r projects in present company and they requirement
subject from the wen u going to attend intervw
be confident on u r experience and company wht required

for freshers, be perfect in sub. which areas company
required, like app, ar, asset management, general ledger
postings,internal orders, frofitability analysis etc,. as
they mentioned as requirement people.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { 5379 }

Hi 1 question please
Here the issue of Tickets will start after the Testing
Phase or anywhere in the Implementation Phase.


Max. times tickes raise at endusers, when they posting
transations to the system. tht tickets will send to
consultant as onthe priority to rectify.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 9025 }

Suppose a wrong item rate is entered in SAP system as Rs10
though it supposed to be Rs11 per purchase order. How do
you correct this in SAP system? Can we reverse this document


Not required to reverse the document, if you already done
the GR you can add the amount in IR level with unplanned
delivery cost. If that material having pricing control as V
then the value will add to stock.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 13420 }

hi can anybody help me.In year 2007 Ihave completed PGDBM
(FIN) after completing this I found that there is no
opening for pgdbm (fn) fresher they either have to opt for
marketing job or join any callcentre for getting finance
job.thereafter someone have suggested me to do SAP FI i did
SAP FI but after completing this I again found that there
is no demand for SAP FI fresher although our institute have
given me faqe experience but they have not given any live
project training or any interview training now i dont know
whether to concentrate on SAP fi job or pgdbm fin job Im
in great depression lease someone help me &tell me the way
where to go


Remember one thing, u shld do perfectly which u want to do.

"the strengh of chain depends up on the weakest link of
chain" so find out tht one, then u will get success.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { SAP Labs, 14999 }

Can any 1 say How you maintain head office settings in SAP?


What do you mean by Head office?

Send correct question

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { Keane India Ltd, 7311 }

what iss document spliting?


Document will split according to segment wise at reporting

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Accenture, 9910 }

I have 2 company codes in India,1 company code in US. In India the fiscal year variant is Apr to Mar & in US Fiscal yr variant is June to July. I want to submit my Financial statements in India. How do u do this?


If you have two comapny codes with two fiscal years and two
currencys then you have create Leading ledger and non
leading ledgers and assign it ti comapny codes. Company
code level you have create the statments with local
currecny and at the same time statemnts will create group
currecys in leading ledger currecncy have to do
the settings accordingly.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { IBM, 7071 }

what is target cost?


Target Cost: Actual Quantity*Standard cost for producing
the product

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Mphasis, 6361 }

Situation:- We are following fiscal year is Jan to Dec. we
purchased an asset for Rs 1,00,000 /- and we are calculated
on this asset depreciation is 10%. At the time of 12th
period (Dec) my client is realized that we should have been
charged at 5% instead of 10% depreciation.
Question:- How you will adjust the depreciation to 5% which
has already been charged with 10% on the previous periods
(i.e Jan to Nov).
Note: it has been changed the depreciation key to 5% on Dec
month and same assigned to the particular asset master data.

Your valuable suggestion on this much appreciated.


Change the depreciation key with correct depreciation rate
then run unplanned depreciation for the asset

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { KPIT, 13876 }

I have Q in APP,

scenario: I have a situation where a vendor have two bank accounts. He preferred to make a payment of 1000Rs to one account and 1000 Rs to another account. So how can we configure in APP to make this payment for vendor?


As per my understanding, its not possiable through APP. You
can do the payment manually for this situation.

Let me know if i am wrong.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 8 No