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Questions / { rajendran }
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Can somebody help me on how to run automatic payment programme? what are the steps involved from the beginning till the end...(I am not asking about config part, consider that you are giving training to the end user)...


3 SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 5694

please can somebody help me to configure TAXINN, what are steps involved..

SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 1754

Hi SAP friens, i am a beginner in SAP-FICO and started giving interviews...i am struggling and lost couple of interviews because I couldnot tell any tickets/issues...can you help me by sending some tickets/issues to my mail id - rajendranmba@gmail.com...it would be of great help to me to clear the interview...please help.

SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 2012

Hi all, I ran Dunning for a customer in F15, status shows Dun.selection is complete, but this dunning run is not getting updated in Correspondence of Customer master. what could be the possible reason...please help.

1 SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 4084

Hi SAP experts...I am new to CO and i am learning it by installing SAP in my own system...can any body advice me how to start with CO, like which one i configure first and then next steps. it will be very helpful to me if somebody advice. Thanks, Rajendran.

1 SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 2599

Can you give me the detailed organization structure(including CO)


3 SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 5809

What are the important asset transactions a company can use after SAP is implemented?

1 SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 4009

Hi all...I am new to NewGL, can any body explain in detail what is document splitting, and its purpose.

2 SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 5419

Can any body explain what configuration steps are required for parallel accounting (parallel ledger) in new GL ?

Cap Gemini,

2 SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 9421

What all taxes comes under CIN ?. Do all taxes - Excise, WHT, Service tax, Sales Tax, VAT comes under CIN?

1 SAP FI-CO (Financial Accounting & Controlling) 5067

Answers / { rajendran }

Question { 6538 }

What is asset class?


Asset classes are the most important criteria in structuring
the fixed assets, every asset in the company has to be
assigned to exactly one asset class which all should have
similar depreciation terms. many asset classes can be
assigned to one GL account. it controls the number range of
the asset account number, screen layout and account
determination. this asset classes are mainly for reporting

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 7997 }

Hi i am MBA-Finance guy, was working with J P Morgan for one
n half yrs, i have decided to move to SAP and so preparing
for FICO on my own for the last one month.....dont know
which are all the area i should cover before the
interview...is it enough if i cover the basic configurations
of GL,AP,AR and Asset Accounting or which are other
areas?....hw for i should b through in the above mentioned
areas...and also i dont want to waste time by preparing at
home for a long time... how should i prepare....your advice
is appreciable.


Hi Roy Chereath...Thanks alot for your expert
guidance...really it gave me an overview idea and
clarity...i am sure your answer will help many more people
like me, thanks.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 0 No

Question { 61448 }

What is asset capitalization date? and asset value date...what is difference between them. I have come across definitions still not clear...can any body explain with example...Thank you.


I will tel u with an example.
Company has purchased a asset on 01.03.2008 and the asset
has gone to production on same day. Today the company is
going to sell the particular asset that is 07.02.2011, for
that company will valuate the asset as on today.

Now, 01.03.2008 is asset capitalization date
07.02.2011 is asset value date

(Guys correct me if I am wrong.)

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 23 No

Question { TCL, 7817 }

Can you recollect what are the configuration steps you did
in GL, AP, AR, AND Asset accounting in your implementation


Great answer....thanks alot.

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