shah nawaz

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Questions / { shah nawaz }
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Write a SQL query which should fetch the 5th maximum salary of an employee from the table?


14 Cognos 18179

Please answer me the below questions, It's really urgent, and ur help would be appreciated. 1. What is looping in FM? How do u control it 2. How do u create IQDs in FM? Explain 3. What are the diff u noticed between Cognos 8.2 and Cognos 8.4 4. Can we use cube as a data source? How 5. How do u connect ur database in FM? do u connect directly 6. What's the structure of your database? Say u use Oracle 7. Did you use tables or views to bring the data from your DB 8. Does the dimensions of analysis studio have hierarchy? 9. Did you create any dashboards? How u created, explain

Cognos 1692

What's the limitation of 'Page Footer' in Report Studio? e.g. If I have an activity prompt (list of activities in a Search & Select Prompt) and selected around 2500 activites from the 'Activity' Search & Select Prompt and when I ran the report I got a message "#! Overflow" in page footer. Can somebody please tell me what's max. limit. I tried with around 300 activities and page footer displayed the activities. Your help will be appriciated.


Cognos 2290

Can someone tell me whether we can apply filter on list of values in the 'Value Prompt'? e.g. I have a value prompt (named city) and the prompting is holding around 2000 cities but I want to apply filters on cities so users can select only 15 cities out of 2000 and then run the report. Users should be flexible enought to select any 15 cities from the list. Is it possible. Please advice!


5 Cognos 9137

Hi Techies, I got an issue so need your advice here. I have created a report in Report Studio and it's having 2 columns which are having long text as a value (BLOB data type). Report is displaying entire text items in HTML format, but when I'm exporting it into EXCEL it's give me ##########. How to correct (wrap) it in Excel? so when end users they are directly running that report in Excel so instead of seeing ######### for long text items they should see the entire text items in those columns. Please advice!

HCL, Wipro,

5 Cognos 6785

Hi, I have Cognos 7.0 Impromptu reports and these reports have been created with the Mainframe datasource. Now the business needs these reports should be upgraded but with Oracle datasource. So what's the idea, first we should migrate these reports into ReportNet? then in that case what we will do with the Impromptu Catalog? Second, suppose we need to migrate these reports into Cognos 8 (may be 8.4) then how we will do that? do we need to create a FM Model for these reports. Please advice!


Cognos 1737

If we are migrating lower version of Cognos reports (e.g. from Ver 7.0 to Cognos 8) then how we migrate Impromptu Catalog (ver 7.0) in Cognos 8? Do we create FM model for that? Please explain.


Cognos 1851

What's use of a Master Detail report in Cognos? I mean what's the advantage? Please Explain.


2 Cognos 7013

What is Correlated sub-query? Please explain


1 Cognos 4987

Hi Techies, Need your help for achieving this requirement. We have got a requirement to display a report in a page which should diplay max 20 rows but if a report is having totally 17 rows then in the 1st page it has to display 15 rows(divisible by 5) and the other two rows should appear in the next page. Similarly, If a report is having 23 records then in the first page it should display 20 (divisible by 5) and on other page it should display 3 rows. Please advice!


1 Cognos 4408

Why Star Schema is de-normalized? Please explain in detail probably with some examples.


2 Cognos 7456

Answers / { shah nawaz }

Question { 6062 }

What is the capacity of power cube?


As per my experiance the max cube size is 2 GB. Beyond that
it would be difficult to handle.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { iFlex, 8421 }

how you create security to cubes ?????


Joydeep is right.
The answer of the Soujivadlani's question is that, we have
the User Class View and Dimension View inside a Dimension
Diagram. There we can make the changes as per the

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 8520 }

How can we convert imr report into Impromptu web report?


We can convert IMR to IWR thtough PPES tool (PowerPlay
Enterprise Server) by publishing the Impromptu report to
Upfront for the end users.
1. Login to PPES
2. Select the report and publish it to upfront.
3. Can Verify the report by logging into upfront.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Syntel, 10503 }

what is your project workflow and your role in the project?


Project Work Flow:
1. Requirement Analysis
2. Estimation.
3. Design
4. Development
5. Development
6. SIT
7. UAT
8. Deployment in PROD
For your Role: Your role could be developer but one must
know all these process.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 7659 }

what are versions of cognos from starting release to latest
in the market?


But as for as I know, Cognos is started from Cognos 5 to 6,
7, 8 and yeah Cognos 9 is very soon.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 3 No

Question { DELL, 9137 }

Can someone tell me whether we can apply filter on list of
values in the 'Value Prompt'? e.g. I have a value prompt
(named city) and the prompting is holding around 2000
cities but I want to apply filters on cities so users can
select only 15 cities out of 2000 and then run the report.
Users should be flexible enought to select any 15 cities
from the list. Is it possible. Please advice!


Hello Keyrun, Thanks for your answer.

Can you please share with me the steps.

Thanks again!

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

Question { DELL, 9137 }

Can someone tell me whether we can apply filter on list of
values in the 'Value Prompt'? e.g. I have a value prompt
(named city) and the prompting is holding around 2000
cities but I want to apply filters on cities so users can
select only 15 cities out of 2000 and then run the report.
Users should be flexible enought to select any 15 cities
from the list. Is it possible. Please advice!


Hi Satish,
Here the question is that the user should be flexible enough
to select any 15 cities and not a specific 15
I'm not sure how much the static choice technic will help.
Please advice!

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { HCL, 6785 }

Hi Techies, I got an issue so need your advice here.
I have created a report in Report Studio and it's having 2
columns which are having long text as a value (BLOB data
type). Report is displaying entire text items in HTML
format, but when I'm exporting it into EXCEL it's give me
##########. How to correct (wrap) it in Excel? so when end
users they are directly running that report in Excel so
instead of seeing ######### for long text items they should
see the entire text items in those columns. Please advice!


Hi Ramesh, I suggested this option to the business but they
are not comfortable with this options like every row they
have to double click and see the values......
Do we have any option in Cognos 8 with which we can get
these long texts values in wrap format?

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Satyam, 12103 }

Part 1 : Cognos

1.What are the technologies that are used in cognos?
2.What are complex reports?
3.What is page break?
4.What is layout component?
5.How do you use extract function?
6.What is the use of Crosstab space?
7.What is Rank()?
8.What is the use of Query calculation and layout
9.What is Slicer and Dicer?
10.How can you create users in Cognos?
11.What is last child member?
12.What is the use of Conditional blocks?
13.What is Conditional Formatting?
14.What is group span?
15.In which types of reports does the page breaks
applicable? Is it applicable in excel reports?
16.I want to show a up arrow and down arrow image in cross
tab report, if the revenue is > 5000 (up arrow) and if
<5000 (down arrow)? How will you achieve this?
17.What are types of Filters in RS? What is Summary Filter
and Detail Filter?
18.What is Cast Function?
19.How will you create prompts for the example like this :
In a single report I want
a) List report (Need a prompt for this) b) Crosstab report
(Need a separate prompt for this) c) Chart ()(Need a
separate prompt for this)

Part II : Framework Manager (FM)

1. What is Determinant in FM?
2. What is Cardinality?
3. What are the types of filters used in FM?
4. Can we create cubes with Relational Data sources?
5. What is Aliasing and Shortcut?
6. What is Session Parameter & Parameter Maps?
7. How many types of securities that we have in FM?
8. What is Data Security in FM?

Part III : Data warehousing

1.What are various types of Schemas?
2.What is Star Schema and Snow Flow Schema? Difference
between both?
3.What is surrogate key?

Part IV : Databases

1.What are NVL Functions?
2.What is left outer join? Give an Example?
3.Can we straightaway use the tables that we have in the
database instead of creating the package’s FM and making
use of them, through Report Studio (RS)?


Part 1 : Cognos

1.What are the technologies that are used in cognos?

Ans1. I guess if you are asking about the tools, then we are
using reporting tools like Report Studio, Query Studio,
Analysis Studio, Metric Studio, Even Studio.... and Modeling
tool is FM (Frame work Manager).
If you are asking about different modeling techniques then
these are Dimensional Modeling, DMR modeling, Relational

2.What are complex reports?

Ans2.As per my experiance:
Complex reports are those reports where it needs advanced
reporting. Where we need to use more than one query,
multiple report types to retrieve data, where conditional
formatting, conditional blocka are involved or more joins
are there in the models. these are some example,s which will
make simple report to complex reports.

In general, we can say that, Its a combination of list,
crosstab, chart ..... like that every individual report is a
simple report and the combination of two or more in a single
report which gives a clear analysing for a single view that
is in a single report is a complex report.

3.What is page break?

Ans3. Page break means we display the information on
seperate pages.
Example: Suppose you have a list report and there you have a
column 'Year' and now you want to see every year in a
seperate page then you may apply page break.

select one column(order year) apply group on that column
then select structure in toolbar select page break then run
the report .you will see every year in separate page

4.What is layout component?

Ans4. I guess, By using layout component reference we can
change any header or footer for a group of reports.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.

5.How do you use extract function?

6.What is the use of Crosstab space?

Ans6. To add space to the crosstab to add description inside
a crosstab, we use crosstabspace.

7.What is Rank()?

Ans7. RANK():----> It leaves a gap in the sequence of
ranking in the event of tie.


empno ename RANK
101 AAA 1
102 BBB 2
102 BBB 2
102 BBB 2
103 CCC --> 5
103 CCC 5
104 DDD --> 7

8.What is the use of Query calculation and layout calculation?

Ans8. Query calculation: by using query calculation we can
add new data items in report with the help of existing query
items or data items.

Layout calculation: it's a run time calculation like adding
page number, time, dynamic heading to the report
ex: if u add date2string(Today()) function in report we will
get 2010-09-26 date in output.

9.What is Slicer and Dicer?

Ans9. You can use Analysis Studio tools to slice and dice
the data to answer your next business questions.

A Slicer filter affects the cell value. Slicers are used to
reduce the data included in measure rollups. Slicers are
applied to the cells of the crosstab, not the row or column
edges. This means that slicers are useful if you want some
data in a report to be hidden and other data to be visible.
You can create more than one slicer to filter across two or
more dimensions, but you cannot create two slicers from the
same dimension.

Slicing is a vertical view of a report and dicing is a
horizontal view of a report.

10.How can you create users in Cognos?

Ans10. In Access Manager we can create Cognos users.

11.What is last child member?

12.What is the use of Conditional blocks?

Ans12. Conditional block: Specify a variable, based on which
objects inserted into a block can be conditionally rendered,

We can use Conditional blocks for many reasons, e.g. user
can have option for List report or chart report when he runs
the report.

13.What is Conditional Formatting?

Ans13. Use conditional formatting to highlight exceptional
data in a report.
With conditional formatting, you can
• hide and show objects
• highlight data

14.What is group span?

Ans14. Group span is used to eliminate duplicates in data,
in Cognos it is used repeat grouped item. Using level span
we can see the grouped data group by group.
For example, when country and city are both grouped, you can
choose to show the country name each time .
-- the country changes, by spanning Country by Country
-- the city changes, by spanning Country by City
-- there is a new record, by specifying no spanning
Spanning one grouped column by another column is helpful if
the second column contains many items.
Open the report that you want.
Click the column for which you want to set the group span.
In the Properties pane, click the Group Span property and
click the column you want to span.

15.In which types of reports does the page breaks
applicable? Is it applicable in excel reports?

16.I want to show a up arrow and down arrow image in cross
tab report, if the revenue is > 5000 (up arrow) and if <5000
(down arrow)? How will you achieve this?

Ans16. I guess, you can try with the below example, instead
of applying thru text source variable you try with
conditional formatting.

The text source variable is used to display the text source
values in the place of numerics value.

IF revenue>50000 THEN ('high')
ELSE ('low')

Here 'high' and 'low' are text source variables.

17.What are types of Filters in RS? What is Summary Filter
and Detail Filter?

Ans17. Detail filter is used before aggregation and summary
filter is used after aggregation.

just look the explanation below:
lets say that for product A we have three quantity values
10,15 and 18 for product B values are 20,19,11 and so on ..

we set the aggregation total on field quantity .
Detail Filter:
if we group by the quantity on product than we will get the
value 43(Sum of the values) for product A and 50 for product B
if i have applied a filter (quantity >16) and applied on
before aggregation than we will get the output value for A
is 18 and for product B the value is 39 here in both product
A and B we have filter out the values less than 16.

Summary Filter:
if we have applied the same filter on after aggregation than
the output for product A is 43 and for product B is 50. here
we have not filter out any values because the filter is
applied on the product after aggregation.
and u have applied a filter price>=30 before aggregation
than output is 30.

18.What is Cast Function?

Ans18. Cast Function: Converts an expression to a specified
data type. Some data types allow for a length and precision
to be specified. Make sure that the target is of the
appropriate type and size.
cast ( expression, datatype_specification )

Example 1
cast ( '123' , integer )
Result: 123
Example 2
cast ( 12345 , VARCHAR ( 10 ) )
Result: a string containing 12345

19.How will you create prompts for the example like this :
In a single report I want

a) List report (Need a prompt for this)

On the prompt page you create different types of promts.

b) Crosstab report (Need a separate prompt for this)

c) Chart ()(Need a separate prompt for this)

Part II : Framework Manager (FM)

1. What is Determinant in FM?

Ans1. Determinants reflect granularity by representing
subsets or groups of data in a query subject and are used to
ensure correct aggregation of this repeated data.
Determinants are most closely related to the concept of keys
and indexes in the data source and are imported based on
unique key and index information in the data source.

It's use to avoid double counting.

2. What is Cardinality?

Ans2. Cardinality is nothing but relationship between 2 tables.

Every employee can be in single department...But, every
department can not have single emplyee..

Hence the following is the cordinality
Employee (1) : Department (n)

3. What are the types of filters used in FM?

Ans3. 2 types of filters used in FM:

Framework Manager supports stand-alone filters and embedded

Use a stand-alone filter when you want to reuse the expression.
You can add a stand-alone filter to one or more dimensions
or query subjects to limit the data that the query retrieves
when the filtered dimension or query subject is used in a
report, or you can include it in a package to make it
available to your users. By moving a stand-alone filter or a
shortcut to it into a folder, you can better organize the
model objects.

Use an embedded filter when you want to use a filter with
only one dimension or query subject.

You can create an embedded filter when modifying a
dimension, relational data source query subject, or model
query subject.

If you start with an embedded filter, you can later convert
it into a stand-alone expression that you can apply to other
dimensions or query subjects. Tip: Right-click the filter
expression in the Filters tab and click Convert to
Stand-alone Filter.

When you embed a filter, the data source query subject must
have a relationship to any query subject referenced by the
expression. This relationship is necessary even if the
expression references a model query subject based on the
same table as the data source query subject in which you are
embedding the expression.

To create a filter on an unrelated query subject, do one of
the following:

Ensure that there is a join path between the new query
subject and the one that contains the filter.

Base the embedded filter on a query item that is based on
the data source query subject you want.

Convert the calculation to a stand-alone filter, so that it
is not part of the query subject.

Create a stand-alone filter that references the embedded object.

4. Can we create cubes with Relational Data sources?

Ans4. I guess, we can (e.g. thru IQD)
5. What is Aliasing and Shortcut?

Ans5. If u performs any operations in alias it will not
affect on the original data.

If u performs any operations in shortcut it will affect on
the original data.

6. What is Session Parameter & Parameter Maps?

Ans6. In Framework manager there are two types of session
1) Environment session parameter
2) Model session parameter

Environment session parameter is set when we login to FM or
Cognos Connection i.e. with LDAP User.

Information like default user name, run locale etc is
maintained in the session parameter. Mostly this session
parameter is used in macros along with parameter map to use
session values in the query subject, model or report.

Parameter maps are used to create conditional query subjects
that allow for substitutions when the report is run.
Parameter maps are objects that store key-value pairs.
Parameter maps are similar to data source look-up tables.
Each parameter map has two columns, one for the key and one
for the value that the key represents. You can manually
enter the keys and values, import them from a file, or base
them on existing query items in the model.
The value of a parameter can be another parameter. However,
you must enclose the entire value in number signs (#). The
limit when nesting parameters as values is five levels.
When you use a parameter map as an argument to a function,
you must use a percentage sign (%) instead of a dollar sign ($).

7. How many types of securities that we have in FM?

Ans7. We can set security at three levels
object level, package level ,data security.

8. What is Data Security in FM?

Ans. Data Security
You create a security filter and apply it to a specific
query subject. The filter controls the data that is shown to
your users when they set up their reports.

Part III : Data warehousing

1.What are various types of Schemas?

Ans. There are 3 types of schema:

1. Star Schema
2. Snowflake Schema
3. Glaxy Schema

2.What is Star Schema and Snow Flow Schema? Difference
between both?

Ans. Star Schema: In a starshema a central facttable
connects a number of individual dimension tables this is
called as a starschema.
It contains less joins so perfomance will be increase.
Starschema contains denormalized data.

Snowflake Schema: One dimension table split into more than
one dimension this is known as snowflake schema.
Snowflake contains normalized data. There are more joins in
snowflake schema. so the performance is degrade.

3.What is surrogate key?

Ans3. A Surrogate Key is a system generated sequence numbers
to be used as primary keys.
A Surrogate keys are used in maintaining the full history in
SCD Type2.

Part IV : Databases

1.What are NVL Functions?

Ans1. Returns the value of exp1 if exp1 is not NULL. If exp1
is NULL, then the value of exp2 is
nvl ( exp1, exp2 )

2.What is left outer join? Give an Example?

Ans2. LEFT OUTER JOIN: It displays matched row from two
tables and unmatched row from left hand side table.

EX: select a.empno,a.ename,a.sal,b.deptno,b.dname,b.loc from
emp a left outer join dept b on(a.deptno=b.b.deptno)

3.Can we straightaway use the tables that we have in the
database instead of creating the package’s FM and making use
of them, through Report Studio (RS)?

Ans3. I guess no, we have to use FM for anything if we do in
the Report Studio.

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 4 No

Question { 5044 }

Hi Friends,

Just want to know, day to day is increasing or decreasing
Cognos Usage in the Market?

New Reporting tools to driving Reporting Market Spotfire,
Tableau,Qlick View, some other New Tools.

Which Reporting tool can generate Lot of Opportinities in
the Market?

Please Reply to this, My Advanced Thank to you.

Thank You


Hi Kumar,
As per my analysis, Cognos is still doing good in the market.
Coming to your second question, It's purely depend upon the requirement. As we all know that Spotfire and Tableau are the visulization tools for creating excellent dashboards. So here we can't say that we can't use Cognos for creating some extra ordinary dashboards. Cognos is a robust tool and used for many purposes.
But If we got a requirement for dashboards only may be dynamic dashboards so we can suggest Spotfire or Tableau to the Client as these tools are very very user-friendly.

Techies - we are further looking your thoughts on this.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Cisco, 7447 }

How to create a Left Outer Join in FM? Please explain.


Thanks Kumar.

One last query...

Can we edit the relationship in FM in the expression box?
Please excuse me as FM is not installed on my machine now
otherwise I could have checked it.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No