anant chaudhary

{ City } pune
< Country > india
* Profession * sr.test engg
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Questions / { anant chaudhary }
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what the diff b/w Smoke Testing and Santy Testing?

Cap Gemini, Financial Technologies,

10 Manual Testing 15884

Answers / { anant chaudhary }

Question { Cognizant, 9892 }

How do tou design a good test case?


Hi All,

A good test case is defined as "The test case has the
ability to find out yet undiscovered error or issue or bug."

Design a good test case is that to cover the requirement
specification (Which is mention in the traceability matrix)
related to the functionality of that module.
also good test case can test functionality of that module is
correct or not completely.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { 10136 }

what is mean by test environment?


Hi Neha,

The Test environment is Hardware & Software environments in
which tests will be run and any other software with which
the software under test interacts when under test including
stubs and test drivers.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { Expertus, 19755 }

what is usecase? tell me the attribute of usecase?


Hi All,

"Use case is a description of the interaction between the
user and the system."

Use Case attributes are:
1.Administrator,2.Customer,3.Primary Actor,4.Secondary

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 14646 }

How we will assign the severity n priority levels to the


Severity and priority are the two terms which shows the
bug/issue behavior. which is mention in the issue tracking

Severity and priority is change as per the company standards.
In my company Severity and priority display as fallows.

Severity :- Blocker,High,Medium,Low,Trivial.
Priority :- 5,4,3,4 and 1 ( '5' is highest priority )

I am trying to explain the how to assign the Severity and
priority of bug with the help of ATM software example.

1) Low Severity and Low priority bug.

a) Go to the ATM center and perform as fallows.
b) Login in the ATM with your password.
c) After successful login try to withdraw money with
printed statement.

But machine withdraw money and not printed the statement.
(So this bug assign as a Low Severity and Low priority bug.)

2) High Severity and Low priority bug.

a) Go to the ATM center and perform as fallows.
b) Login in the ATM with your password.
c) After successful login try to check balance and try to
withdraw money.

But ATM machine not display balance and able to withdraw
money. (So this bug assign as a High Severity and Low
priority bug.)

3) Low Severity and High priority bug.

a) Go to the ATM center and perform as fallows.
b) Login in the ATM with your password.
c) After successful login try to check balance and try to
withdraw money.

But ATM machine display balance and not able to withdraw
money. (So this bug assign as a Low Severity and High
priority bug.)

4) High Severity and High priority bug.

a) Go to the ATM center and perform as fallows.
b) Login in the ATM with your password.
c) After successful login try to check balance and try to
withdraw money.

But ATM machine get crash every time after successful login.
(So this bug assign as a High Severity and High priority bug.)

This way you can assign the Severity and priority to the bug.

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 1 No

Question { 15294 }

Describe any bug you remember. Plz Give some real examples


Hi All,

I am working with Shipping domain ( Part of Supply chain
management)and came across a critical bugs..

1)Most critical bug.
If you want to send a package Chicago to New York. Then
select the carrier (UPS,DHL,FedEx,USPS) and there service.
after shipment i found that on the label it should print the
all information but it not display the information
(City,State,Zip Code)in the Maxi code on the label.

(This bug is critical that is because of the packages are
sorted on the label information and label display the maxi
code which is having wrong information. So it will not
shorted to city for which the package is sent and this
package is miss out and customer get affected.)

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 1 No

Question { SunGard, 15453 }

what the diff b/w verification and validation


1) It is static process.
2) It is a process of prevention of errors.
3) It consist of checking the requirements specification.
4) Error/Issue found at this stage are very less cost

1) It is dynamic process.
2) It is a process of detection of errors.
3) it consist of validating the requirements specification
with the help of executing on machine or PC.
4) Error/Issue found at this stage is very high cost

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 0 No

Question { Minecode, 67927 }

Why do u choose Testing as ur career?


Hi All,

You can answer in this way...

1) Testing is the gateway of the Software/Application with
quality for whole world or customer. Tester is guard that
gateway. If anything erroneous or defective or buggy not
going throw that gateway. and peoples or users or customers
requirements are completely satisfied,

2) So this is challenging and prime job task and also
testing is not depending on the platform base ( like
Java,.Net and other...) so each and every company required
the testing professional, skillful peoples.

3) Companies market depends on there quality.

4) Testing needs test to break attitude, so i do have this
attitude to find more and more defects giving best quality

5) I have done Master in Computer science in 2004. in that
course i have also study the "Software testing" book by ---
Roger Pressman. In that book i read the different types of
testing. How they are applying the testing phase on software.

for above fore points i decided to choose the carrier in the

and after 4.3 years i have reach the comfortable position in
IT industry.

Is This Answer Correct ?    28 Yes 6 No

Question { Patni, 20725 }

What actually testers do in Smoke Testing?


Hi All,

In the smoke testing tester run the collection of the
written test that are performed on a system or application
or build prior to being accepted for further testing.

Smoke test also called as a build verification test.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 6039 }

How can i check GUI for application window


GUI testing is main part of the product or application from
which user can easily grab the information.

In GUI testing there are several parts as fallows.
a)In this check all pages having unique background or
b)background should be simple and not using the dark
c)Test on the background is clearly visible and not in
the embossing format.
d)Image having text description or animation so check it
with each and every frame display right picture and
right information.
e)check table structure not disturb the text on the
application. Also for internet marketing application
display table containing information related
to the equipment which are for sell and there rates
are clearly visible.
f)Text boxes and button and each and every thing on the
application display the tool tip.
g)All the buttons and text boxes have identical
h)Hadar and Footer section of the application are
i) Each link should work and display the information
page and this page should have button for go to back
to the main page.
j) Check the application should be compatible on
different browser. It should display unique format of
the application in all the browser.
k) from GUI Messages,warning messages, error messages
are understandable.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { Mind Q Systems, 7782 }

What are the Testers Responsbile?


Tester has following responsibilities:-
1) Prepare Test Plan/Test Strategy.
2) Prepare “Traceability Matrix” and check each
requirement should have one or more than one test case.
3) Develop test cases or automation testing scripts.
4) Reviewed it from the customer.
5) Execute Smoke and Sanity testing on nightly build &
send smoke and sanity report to dev team & testing team.
6) Execute GUI testing / Functional testing /
Integration testing / System testing / Performance
testing / Regression testing and find the bugs and log them
into the bug tracking system and send bug report to QA
7) Issue Validation.
8) Involve in production.
9) Prepare documentation related project.
10) QA Signoff

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 6 No