how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and 3 records salary of 1 record is null i want update the nullfield 111 arun 300 112 ddd 200 113 ttt null i want to update table with add 100 to every record include null after updation the recrds should be 111 arun 400 112 ddd 300 113 ttt 100
6 SQL Server 16839i have table students with fields classname,studname select * from students classname studname 1 xxxxx 1 yyyy 1 zzzz 2 qqqq 2 tttt 3 dsds 3 www i want the output should be No of students in class 1 : 3 No of students in class 2 : 2 No of students in class 3 : 2
5 SQL Server 9004what is the difference between group and having give an example with query and sample output
7 SQL Server 8835Hi this is the coding for adding data in to an xml table
i want the coding for update and delete
Dim emp_xml_doc As New XmlDocument
System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) Then
Dim myrow_element As XmlElement
myrow_element =
Dim str As String
str = "
hi, i have a table called names and field name select * from names name a b c d i want to display like this name a,b,c,d how it is possible Regards Baiju
4 SQL Server 5949Iam using an application . i want to update one of my table in database at 4pm every day how it is possible.
6 Dot Net Framework 9709
Question { 9824 }
what is bubbled event ? give suitable example in code vice
with demo
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