
{ City } kollam
< Country > india
* Profession * developer
User No # 28330
Total Questions Posted # 11
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Questions / { klbaiju }
Questions Answers Category Views Company eMail

what is caching

3 ASP.NET 5394

write query for fourth maximum salary from employee table

Mind Tree, SP Software,

14 SQL Server 22006

how to delete duplicate rows from table in sql server


12 SQL Server 21061

what is profiles in asp.net

1 ASP.NET 3041

what is roles in asp.net

2 ASP.NET 4721

how to update a null value field in sql server eg a table contains 3 fields id,name,salary and 3 records salary of 1 record is null i want update the nullfield 111 arun 300 112 ddd 200 113 ttt null i want to update table with add 100 to every record include null after updation the recrds should be 111 arun 400 112 ddd 300 113 ttt 100


6 SQL Server 16839

i have table students with fields classname,studname select * from students classname studname 1 xxxxx 1 yyyy 1 zzzz 2 qqqq 2 tttt 3 dsds 3 www i want the output should be No of students in class 1 : 3 No of students in class 2 : 2 No of students in class 3 : 2


5 SQL Server 9004

what is the difference between group and having give an example with query and sample output

7 SQL Server 8835

Hi this is the coding for adding data in to an xml table i want the coding for update and delete Try Dim emp_xml_doc As New XmlDocument If System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) Then emp_xml_doc.Load(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) Dim myrow_element As XmlElement myrow_element = emp_xml_doc.CreateElement("EmpDetails") Dim str As String str = "" & TxtEmpId.Text & "" & _ "" & TxtName.Text & "" & _ "" & TxtSalary.Text & "" myrow_element.InnerXml = str emp_xml_doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(myrow_element) emp_xml_doc.Save(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) Response.Write("Record Saved") Dim ds As New DataSet ds.ReadXml(Server.MapPath("emp.xml")) GridView1.DataSource = ds GridView1.DataBind() Else Response.Write("File does not exist.") End If Catch ex As Exception Response.Write(ex.ToString) End Try *********************** this is the xml file 100 xxx 2000 yyy dddd 77777 rrrr rrrr 6666 qaqa sini 50000 errrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr 677777 rrr rrr 33


ASP.NET 1911

hi, i have a table called names and field name select * from names name a b c d i want to display like this name a,b,c,d how it is possible Regards Baiju

4 SQL Server 5949

Iam using an asp.net application . i want to update one of my table in database at 4pm every day how it is possible.

ABC, Evalueserve,

6 Dot Net Framework 9709

Answers / { klbaiju }

Question { IBM, 18811 }

what is .net?


.net is one of micrsoft's platform for developing
webapplication,windows application,webservices.it's core is clr

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

Question { 9824 }

what is bubbled event ? give suitable example in code vice
with demo


Bubbled events are the events made by child controls inside
a major control.
example . checkbox in a datagrid
the child controls do not raise their events by themselves
,rather they passthe event to container parent(which can be
datagrid,datalist,repeater),which passed to the page as
"ItemCommand"event..As the child control send there events
to parent .this is termed as event bubbling

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 1 No

Question { CSC, 15965 }

Differences between VB.Net and C#, related to OOPS concepts


c# is faster than vb.net
C# can access unmanaged code in the background
c# has more functionality

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 23 No