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Questions / { sreenu }
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regression, functionaltesting, intergration testing, UAT, re- testing. what is order of testing. which one comes 1st,2nd,3rd. tell order


6 Manual Testing 9847

i have soure and target having 1 laks records same structure and same data. no primary key. how to do data validation in. how to identify each and every record same r not. i want check every record. wat is process.


1 Manual Testing 3916

1) I have 5000 test cases within 3 working days u have to finish? How you will handle it. 2) Difference between Relase-1 and Relase-2


1 Manual Testing 6993

i have source and target having same data structure 500 fields and one lacks records. how to validate data. write 5 scenarios.

HCL, iGate,

2 Manual Testing 5126

how mapp the defect id in quality center?

Manual Testing 1871

SOURECE Name id dept sal 1 a1 A 100 2 b1 B 200 3 c1 C 300 4 d1 D 400 TARGET: Name id dept sal 1 a1 A 100 2 b1 B 200 3 WER1 567 300 4 d1 D 400 I HAVE SOURCE AND TARGET. HOW TO VALIDATE DATA? TELL ME 5 STEPS ABOVE TABLE?


1 Informatica 4400

Table E: Name dept month sal 1 A JAN 800 2 B APR 1000 3 A JAN 300 4 A JAN 600 5 C JUN 400 1) SELECT HIGHEST SAL PAID DEPT IN JAN MONTH? 2) WRITE QUERY GET MAX SAL DEPT NO?


6 Oracle General 6413

Write a query to display Which deptno is containing highest Sal > avg (sum (Sal)) of all deptno; Avg (sum (Sal)) o f all deptno= 9675 Deptno, sum (Sal) 10 8750 20 10875 30 9400


7 Informatica 9968

source table A having 100000 records. and target B table having 100000 records. now iam updating B records using update query. i don't know which record is update in target. write a sql query get all updated records from target table B.


4 Informatica 8821

write a sql query retrive all xml data. how to retrive xml data wit single sql query.


SOAP 2065

how to retrive xml data for using sql query?


3 Oracle General 6311

i have table T!. A B C D NULL 1 2 3 4 NULL 5 6 7 8 NULL 9 10 11 12 NULL. I WANT COUNT OF NULL VALUES IN TABLE. WRITE A QUERY.

iGate, Wipro,

14 SQL PLSQL 19921

in soapui i am prepared test data and create request and run the request. response generated. this response data how to validate/verification. how to verify the xml data in database. write query to get xml response data in oracle query. pls help me

SOAP 1845

hi all, i have installed oracle xe software in windows 7. iam unable to connect sqldeveloper tool. can you please tell me how to connect. provide completed procedure.

1 Oracle AllOther 2799

Answers / { sreenu }

Question { CMS, 86049 }

why should I hire u?


bcz iam fresher i have good communication skills and u can
mould me what can u want.

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 49 No

Question { iGate, 19921 }

i have table T!.

NULL 1 2 3
4 NULL 5 6
7 8 NULL 9
10 11 12 NULL.



hi naren thank for your ans.

but here i am asking total count of null records. means how
many null values are there.

see above table having 4 null values. i want display "4".

please tell me sql query

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