

int a=2,*f1,*f2;



printf("\n%d %d %d",a,*f1,*f2);


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main() { int a=2,*f1,*f2; f1=f2=&a; *f2+=*f2+=a+=2.5; pri..

Answer / odelu vanga


so *f2=4
now *f2=8
so *f2=*f2+8=16

ans:- 16 16 16

Is This Answer Correct ?    18 Yes 3 No

main() { int a=2,*f1,*f2; f1=f2=&a; *f2+=*f2+=a+=2.5; pri..

Answer / susie

Answer :

16 16 16


f1 and f2 both refer to the same memory location a. So
changes through f1 and f2 ultimately affects only the value
of a.

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 3 No

main() { int a=2,*f1,*f2; f1=f2=&a; *f2+=*f2+=a+=2.5; pri..

Answer / kamlesh meghwal

LOL@Govind u r gettin 888..hehe..!!1

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 0 No

main() { int a=2,*f1,*f2; f1=f2=&a; *f2+=*f2+=a+=2.5; pri..

Answer / forgot_my_name

Since we are modifying same variable three times in the same line (before sequence point ) so we broke the rules, so whatever compiler says would be right..
@Kamlesh Meghwal : In GCC compiler ans is 8 8 8.

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main() { int a=2,*f1,*f2; f1=f2=&a; *f2+=*f2+=a+=2.5; pri..

Answer / vamshikrishna

12 12 12

printf takes the last updated value and prints for every var

so f2=4
here again f2 =4 "since f2=&a"
so f2=f2+4=12

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 3 No

main() { int a=2,*f1,*f2; f1=f2=&a; *f2+=*f2+=a+=2.5; pri..

Answer / govind verma

but ans is 888 but i dnt know how....

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

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