struct Foo


char *pName;

char *pAddress;




struct Foo *obj = malloc(sizeof(struct Foo));


obj->pName = malloc(100);

obj->pAddress = malloc(100);

strcpy(obj->pName,"Your Name");

strcpy(obj->pAddress, "Your Address");


printf("%s", obj->pName);

printf("%s", obj->pAddress);


a. Your Name, Your Address

b. Your Address, Your Address

c. Your Name Your Name

d. None of the above

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struct Foo { char *pName; char *pAddress; }; main() { struct Foo *obj =..

Answer / guest

d) printd Nothing, as after free(obj), no memory is there

obj->pName & pbj->pAddress

Is This Answer Correct ?    6 Yes 1 No

struct Foo { char *pName; char *pAddress; }; main() { struct Foo *obj =..

Answer / sankara subramanian.n

ya, free(ob); mean free(delete) a previous block of memory .so structure contained item has been deleted

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