write a c program to Create employee record by taking
details like name, employee id, address and phone number.
While taking the phone number, take either landline or
mobile number. Ensure that the phone numbers of the employee
are unique. Also display all the details

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write a c program to Create employee record by taking details like name, employee id, address and p..

Answer / puneet mittal

struct Employee
char name[20];
int id;
char address[50];
int phno;
struct Employee emp[10];
int i,j;
printf("EMPLOYEES RECORD : \n\n");
printf("Enter detail of Employee %d\n
printf("Employee name : ");
printf("Employee id no.: ");
printf("Phone number(give either
landline or mobile number):");
printf("this phone number is having
employee id no. - %d ",emp[j].id);
printf("TRY AGAIN . ");
goto pass;

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 9 No

write a c program to Create employee record by taking details like name, employee id, address and p..

Answer / vinesh2009sharma

void main()
printf("enter the EMP NAME EMP ID ..........")

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 10 No

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