

int i;

float *pf;

pf = (float *)&i;

*pf = 100.00;

printf("\n %d", i);


a. Runtime error.

b. 100

c. Some Integer not 100

d. None of the above

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main() { int i; float *pf; pf = (float *)&i; *pf = 100.00; printf(&qu..

Answer / pavan mustyala

d) Some junk number because floating value is stored in
integer via pointer pf.

Is This Answer Correct ?    15 Yes 1 No

main() { int i; float *pf; pf = (float *)&i; *pf = 100.00; printf(&qu..

Answer / guest

d) 0

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 2 No

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