How Sevierty and Priority are related to each other?
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Answer / mohan
severity tells impact of the bug on the application.
priority tells urgency of Bug Fix.
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Answer / semo
Severity tells the seriousness/depth of the bug where as
Priority tells which bug should rectify first..
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Answer / ranjith nair
Severity->Application point of view
Priority->User point of view
Some bugs might have high proirity,but according to
application point of view,that bugs might be of low
Ex:GUI bugs->Font,Alignment,spacing...
If a bug is severity means ,that bug will affect the entire
application.Can be a show stopper
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Answer / vimal raina
Rightly said sevierty is impact and priority decides how
soon it should be fixed...
genrally when sevierty is high priroty is also high but
i will like to give example where severity is low and
priority is high.
If the title bar of any website is wrriten incorrectly it
doesnt make any difference to the funtionality (low
sevierty)of the website but it has a high priority to be
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Answer / shweta
Severity is related to priority I can explain this with
example say a bug is a show stopper<say application crushes
down> then its
Severity would be high <ie imact to application is high>
Priority would be High(1) <should be rectified as soon as
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Answer / shilpa salla
Based on the severity, priority is assigned by the developer.
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Answer / mohan anna university
Priority is that how serious is the bug in case of Company
point of view
Sevierty is that how serious is the bug in case of
Technical/Application point of view
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Answer / ch.s.m.prasad,kkd
Severity: the seriousness of the defect in terms of
Priority : the importence of the defect in terms of customer
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