Four men - Abraham, Bobby, Clinton and Denial - are standing
in a straight line.
1. One man is fair, handsome and unscarred.
2. Two men who are not fair, are each standing next to Abraham.
3. Bobby is the only man standing next to exactly one
handsome man.
4. Clinton is the only man not standing next to exactly one
scarred man.
Who is fair, handsome and unscarred?
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Answer / guest
Clinton is fair, handsome and unscarred.
From (2), both the men standing next to Abraham are not
fair. Also, exactly one man is fair, handsom and unscarred.
Hence, there are two cases:
Case 1 :: ? (N, ?, ?) : Abraham (Y, Y, N) : ? (N, ?, ?) : ?
(?, ?, ?)
Case 2 :: ? (N, ?, ?) : Abraham (?, ?, ?) : ? (N, ?, ?) : ?
(Y, Y, N)
Note the representation - Name (Fair, Handsome, Scarred).
"Y" stands for Yes and "N" stabds for No. Abraham (Y, Y, N)
means Abraham is Fair, Handsome and Unscarred.
It is clear that either Abraham or the man at the extreme
right is fair, handsome and unscarred.
From (4), it is deduced that Clinton is standing next to
unscarred man and each of the other men standing next to
exactly one scarred man.
Case 1 :: Clinton (N, ?, N) : Abraham (Y, Y, N) : ? (N, ?,
Y) : ? (?, ?, Y)
Case 2 :: ? (N, ?, Y) : Abraham (?, ?, Y) : ? (N, ?, N) :
Clinton (Y, Y, N)
From (3), Bobby is the only man standing next to exactly one
handsome man. But in Case 1, Clinton is standing next to
exactly one handsome man. Hence, Case 1 is not possible and
Case 2 is the correct one.
Case 2 :: ? (N, ?, Y) : Abraham (?, ?, Y) : ? (N, ?, N) :
Clinton (Y, Y, N)
Again from (3) and (4), there are 2 possibilities as shown
Case 2a :: Denial (N, N, Y) : Abraham (?, N, Y) : Bobby (N,
N, N) : Clinton (Y, Y, N)
Case 2b :: Bobby (N, N, Y) : Abraham (?, Y, Y) : Denial (N,
N, N) : Clinton (Y, Y, N)
Thus, Clinton is fair, handsome and unscarred. Also, Abraham
may be either fair or not fair.
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Answer / vicky
my answer is abraham.
because,behind him,two unscarred men r there..n daniel too
is standing not exactly behind one scarred man,so it may be
two or,he might be standing at the,
baraham is the only man left..n he's tat handsome......
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 1 No |
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