You are in a boat with your mother and wife. Suddenly you are forced to drop somebody into water due to boat overloading. You cannot drop yourself. Whom will you drop?
29 37280Post New Keyence Interview Questions
What are the account assignment categories in a purchase order?
Explain process spawning?
Through sales force import wizard how many records we can import?
What qualification require for become a tax consultant ? what the future in this..???
For how much time F-1 vissa is valid?
What is scientific temper
How to open subreport in new ie window using hyperlink button. I used target=new; in the formula field. But it overrides the main window and show the report?
What is an example of a many to many relationship?
How to write a variable breaks. For example in a manufacturing unit 50 employees are working, all the 50 employees will not take a break at a time, so 25 people will take a break around 11:00 to 11:30 and another 25 people will take a break around 11:30 to 12:00?
Explain difference between static and dynamic ip?
1.Which functinalities of QTP using in onlinebanking system? lift which kind of testing you perform? do you test money is transform from one account to another account in online banking?
How to delet a table in sap. How to move a table from one location to another.
Is powerpoint still relevant?
Outline the two important features of a terminating recursion. Any ideas?
Example you have 6 sap application servers, I want to monitor all the application servers. How to configure a CCMS?