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IIM Interview Questions
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difference between my-strcpy and strcpy ?

3 13927

When a bicycle is in motion, the force of friction exerted by the ground on the two wheels is such that it acts a) In the backward direction on the front wheel and in the forward direction on the rear wheel. (b) In the forward direction on the front wheel and in the backward direction on the rear wheel. (c) In the backward direction on both the front and rear wheels. (d) In the backward direction on both the front and rear wheels.

8 30087

. The first general elections were held in India in (1) 1960 (2) 1962 (3) 1951 (4) 1952

10 22044

Interview questions for library science

2 17812

Why profit is a liability and loss is an assets

20 105911

Why do you wish to go for a management career? What alternative career you are considering and why? Describe your strengths and weaknesses as identified by you? What is the most significant achievement so far?

2 23290

why u choose MBA after sicence bacground in graduation?

15 96440

What is the rate of duty for Export from India?

1 3155

2 batsman on pitch each on 94.7 runs to win in 3 balls,both make unbeatan

5 8244

You are in a boat with your mother and wife. Suddenly you are forced to drop somebody into water due to boat overloading. You cannot drop yourself. Whom will you drop?

29 37939

What is diffrence between Satutory Liquid Ration and Cash Reserve Ratio?

4 7116

what is form factor.and rms value..

1 4417

which type of motor is suitable for water pump?

1 5552

what is the difference between a cash memo and a bill ?

8 39161

which two teams suspended for sport fixing in ipl?

3 3879

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What do you mean by apache server?


Define noise?


NLO : RPS : : ? : ZXA


What are powerpoint custom shows?


Who is the founder of TCS?


Can you update homestead? If yes, how?


Explain force logging feature in 9i.


What are the steps to install wordpress theme?


global mouse click center and press are used in the navigate stage and there purpose is to click on any of the buttons of the app.


What is activex in vb?


how many maximum signaling link can be created between two gsm switches and why?


Aren't xml, sgml, and html all the same thing?


How do I restart mysql on windows?


There are 2 link lists and both are meeting at a point. Find out that meeting point?


What should be the length of variable for SHA256?