Briefly describe an experience of yours that illustrates
your ability to clearly articulate and explain technical
issues in a nontechnical manner
which is the better form java or .net?exactly when we have to choose particcular 1 among them?
what do you expect from this company?
how can read number 1 to 100,without use anyloop.
in intel 8086 why is the segment register content appended by zero to generate physical address?
what are the various height of GSM mount and its base width
What is smoke testing?
I am going to appear for ISRO written test on 26 th april 2009 .So kindly forward me sample previous question paper for ISRO for BE Computer Science . My mail id :
hai iam selected in po exam in allahabad bank . my interview date is 02-06-2009. so plese send me some sample question on my email. my email is
computer is male or female.....???
how to create session in visual web jsf page as we create in jsp and how to maintain that jsf session in another jsp page? <JSF=java server faces> <JSP=java server pages>
Proove it 3+4=5
Please if anybody have Vizag Steel Entrance exam papers or atleast Pattern of exam.Then please forward to my email- id: