what are the various height of GSM mount and its base width
Hii can you help me step by step procedure for transfering data in textfields into sql database .mdf(also help me how to create database .mdf file) file after creating submit button in asp.net/ c#?????
I m doing btech with computerscience branch.For every campus placement eligibilty criteriais is 60%.I have 65% in highschool and b.tech till now but secured 59.6% in intermediate. So would this percentage b considered as 60% or i wont b able to sit in exams?kindly post your views?
What is noise figure?
what is your experience with computer-aided design software.
pls its urgent!!!!!!! can u tell me which companies are hiring fresher for industrail training???i know only two companies cmc which is in bandra n biz tech solution in kandivali. can anyone knows other companies??how much fees r they taking?? what about biz technology?this company is good to join if anyone has did d industrial training in biz technology then pls reply as urgent as possible. thank you ....waiting for replyyyyy
Relate FDDI/ATM/SONET to the OSI model.
CSS corp interview process and placement papers
Active Directory interviews questions
which of the following is not a storage class specifier in c?
to write a program to search a character in a string and to print till the character in the string using pointers in c program
my first question in huawei was ....1)Tell me about your self 2) oops concept 3)logic gates 4)ram and rom ,what is cache memory nd where it is located 5)diffrence between file system and data base 6) procedure of operating system 7)what is c# 8)high level language and machine language 9) and from mobile networkin !!!! hope thz will help you
Q1. A. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of a three- dimensional monitor using a varifocal mirror with a stereoscopic system. B. Write a routine to implement the polymarker function.