what is power system transient condition
In three phase energymeter the spindle rotating backward why?
What is the main purpose of relay?
how do you test the capacitor bank ?
how harmonics are generated due to nonlinear load & how harmonic filters work?
what isthe emf eqation of a transformer
What is the differance between a converter duty transformer and normal power transformer?
Is it reuired to use house service barcket for 31/2 core 300 Sq.mm cable,if the distance between pole & shop is around 2 mtrs only or can I hang the cable with GI support in air? upto what size of cable GI serrvice btacket is necessary?
What is dc current source? Differentiate between ideal and non ideal current sources?
What is ill conditioned power system?
R u say ,that is there is any flux in your room.
what is ATS & RING MAIN UNIT in Distribution System?And its Function.
what is means of CLASS in current transformer name plate?