why we are using star connection and delta connection?
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Answer / rao
In a simple way:
Phase current=Line current
Line volage = 1.732*Phase voltage.
In Delta:
Line current=1.732*Phase current
Line voltage = Phae voltage
In Power systems let us say for transportation Delta is
preferable as it has 3 wires only and in distribution Star
is needed as we need Neutral also.So at the end of the
trasmission lines there will be delta/star transformer
One more thing if you consider the macines point of view
for the same line voltage copper required for star
connection is less compared to Delta as the line voltage in
Star id 1.732*phase voltage. So the winding design is to be
done to bear the 57.7% of the applied voltge which reduces
the dielectic stress and insulation resitance can be saved
interms of money.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 28 Yes | 4 No |
Answer / wayiti lukas
The basic difference is that star generates a high voltage
at a low current, and delta generates low voltage at a high
current. But total(No load) power generated is the same.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 17 Yes | 12 No |
Answer / loganath
tell me the application where u want to know, eg.
transformers, motors etc..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 14 Yes | 14 No |
Answer / maruthi sk
We use/derive star connection from secondary of the lighting transformer to facilitate neutral along with R,Y,B Lines.. Some cases motors less than 5.5kw & most of the HT motors recommended to connect star connection.
Delta connection is being used for all LT motors. in this case R,Y,B Lines Directly feeded to motors through MCC.
Difference is
In star, Line voltage is 1.732 times of phase voltage.
Line current is equal to phase current.
In delta, Line current is 1.732 times of phase current.
Line voltage is equal to phase voltage
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In Star is used for 3 Phase 4 Wire System &
Delta is used for 3 Phase 3 Wire System.
In Star Line Voltage is Root 3 times the Phase Voltage.
In the Simple term in Delta only R,Y&B Wires..
In Delta Line Voltage is Equal to the Phase Voltage.
In the Simple term in Delta its R,Y,b & N, 4 Wire System..
Is This Answer Correct ? | 28 Yes | 42 No |
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