I am designing new project sub station with 220 kV / 11 kV,
40 MVA capacity. This project have many recifier sets,
which can generate 3rd harmonics. Now I have to select
vector group of This transformer. To minimise 3rd
harmonics, what care should I take in selection of
Transformer Vecrtor group? If it is Y-Y with open Delta
tertiary then what should be the rating & voltage of
Tertiary Winding?
WHY IS wet surface used for grounding???
what are the available sizes of pin type terminal lugs in the market today?
relation between voltage and frequency.
5 Answers IIUI, Lucky Cement, Reliance,
What is a diode?
what are the breakdown voltage rating of mini- curcuit'transfarmer!
How we can defined theecopper cable size if we know the aluminium cable size?
how brushed dc motor operating ?
What is applied voltage for meggering a 6600V HT cable
The power supplied to a 50mH inductor from a 120V, 60Hz source will be
Your B.tech marks is being given in CGPA grade. How is it calculated?
i want prepare power grid exam what are book we want refer for electrical ?
In one village i have seen Earthing transformer's earthing line was also connected to the Transformer body to ground the transformer,can it be possible to maintain 0Volt reutral line this way?