1 whatis te1,te2 and nt1 what is threre functions

2 what are the isdn protocols

3 whait is spid

1 whatis te1,te2 and nt1 what is threre functions 2 what are the isdn protocols 3 whait is spi..

Answer / jitendera kuamr sinha

te1-terminal equpmnt type 1
this the type of device that can undestand isdn standered
and we can plug it direct in to network
te2 terminal equp type2
this type of device refer to those that partilay understand
isdn standere to uses te2 we used the ta device that called
TA that is terminal addeper
nt1-it is network terminal equp and used to convert 4 wire
n/w to 2 wire n/w used by isdn

isdn protocols
isdn protocols difined by itu-t.
protocol stared by "e" deal with using isdn with telephone

protocol started by q cover switching and signaliing

protocol started with l deals with concept and service

spid-it is dialble number of isdn and it is based open dn
that is dictonary number a point is notable that for every
isdn nuber this number is alway unique/


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