Why would you group corrections together? More than one
answer is correct.
a) To enable several corrections to be assigned to the same
b) To transport objects from different development classes.
c) To prevent other developers from processing the same objects.
d) To enable several developers to process the same object
in parallel.
e) To retain versions of several objects together.
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Does import of CRNO slit coils requires BIS certification ?
0 Answers CBEC Central Board of Excise and Customs,
hey!! can any one tell me any training institute which provides training on HP-UNIX in mumbai ? Please send me details on saif.sicsr@gmail.com Thanks in advance.
What does a LDB(Logical Database) provide? a) Consistent and flexible user interface b) Central performance improvements for update accesses c) A method to access the data in a random manner d) Centrally defined authorization checks. Please answer only if you are very sure. Else pls ignore.
Can any one please suggest me about certification in Mainframe.I have two year experience in Mainframe though i want to purse standard mainframe certification like Oracle certification...
how many max partition are created in redhat linux
When using the Nutanix Command Line Interface, which key is used to display a list of command options?
i want jetking model papers plz send me or tell where to get them. bharat.rathii@gmail.com
How to get ADS backup in windows 2003 server
i have done my MSc in IT and also cleared my ISTQB Certification... Can anyone please tell me if the CQIA Examination is good enough for me in the IT industry?
What is the diffrent between. 1Normal backup 2Dally backup 3Copy backup 4Differential backup 5Incremental Backup
hi, i am MBA (MKT & FIN) UPTU Lucknow, Please any body tell me which type of courses can help me to get operational job. please tell me any short term course. any detail of SAP in Finance. thanks in advance.
hi! can anyone tel me is it worth doing IBM CEIS certification course?? will it help me for a bright career?? I'm looking forward to join tat but want some advice?? so guys pls reply back ..