Sun Certifications Interview Questions
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I would like to know the Sun-certification details for java/j2ee.


2 11096

what is the command to check the total memory in a solaris 9 server.


7 20443

What is the command to check the system configuration (ex :Memory size ,Harddisk capcity,No of processor )

College School Exams Tests, CTS, ESDS, IIHT, jetking, Satyam, Wipro,

39 98281

What is the diffrent between Blade server and normal Sun fire Server

Honeywell, Infosys,


what is the validity of SCJP 1.4 paper. i.e. for how many years it will be considered valid.


2 9891

What question does ask in SCJP330-055 ?

Sun Microsystems,

1 4099

what are the phases FSCK command?


3 7336

what are the steps of boot phases?

5 8631

in user administration which file contains primary group and which file contains secondary group?

1 3415

What is the features of Solaris and Advantage of solaris?

3 7151

What is Sticky bit?

3 8184

How to find Client system has nfs available and nis available ?


4 7148

How are job oppurtunities for For Solries( Freshers)?

1 4794

Hi I want to do SCJP Certification. But, I dont know How to approach for that. Can some send me the details please. Send me the Imp questions and dumps if you have any? Thanks in advance. send the info to


5 12858

what will be cost of sub ceritification in java


3 6205

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Un-Answered Questions { Sun Certifications }

32. Policy Enforcement Federation is configured in which of the following components? a. Identity Manager b. Service Gateway c. Access Manager d. Directory Server


HI Any one want brain dump Please mail me.I have genuine dumps by just reading that you can pass exam.Just mail exam code I will provide dump. Mail


Which attribute definitions is used to dynamically assign ‘PROTECTED’ and ‘MDT ON’ attributes for CustName?


i want to write scjp 1.6 exam in august/september. iam from bangalore. any one who sells scjp 1.6 vocher can contact me in my mail id the vocher cost should be around 4500-5000.


Sun Certificatio details.


Do any of you have SCJP 6.0 certification voucher valid till Aug 2010?


What is the diffrent between Blade server and normal Sun fire Server


plese forward scjp 1.6 dumps to my mail pleaseeeeeee


What is the procedure to install the crital patch/package on the SVM ( root mirroring ).


sir now i am pursuing BCA from DEC or UGC approved university pls tell me that i can apply its certificat in govt. jobs.